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US - This w云南溲疏eek includes the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. And judging from the number of potentially market moving events already on schedule, this could be a 甘南沼柳long week for futures markets participants, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.There are three key reports bunched up at the end of the week: the monthly cattle on 琼南柿feed inventory, the inventory of red meat and poultry in cold storage and the quarterly inventory of hogs and pigs.All three reports will be released by USDA at the end of the week, Friday, June 24, and we will 苦竹cover analyst projections and implications of these reports during the course of the week. For US livestock producers, we think the most important implication in the short term is what happens to the value of the US dollar and the effect this has on the relative price of US products sold overseas.

史蒂夫·迈耶(Steve Meyer)和莱恩·施泰纳(Len Steiner)写道,这周包含夏至即一年中最长的一天。而且根据时间表上已经出现的的几个潜在市场态势判断,这周对于期货市场参与者是最长的一周。周末集中出现了三份重要报告,每月活牛饲料库存、红肉与家禽冷藏库存与季度生猪与仔猪库存。这三份报告都会由美国农业部在周末即6月24日星期五公布,我们将会在这周时间里报导那些报告的可能结果和分析学家的预测。英国退欧对于美国牲畜生产商来说,我们认为最重要的短期可能结果是美元价值所发生的改变与销往海外的美国产品相对价格影响。

(审核编辑: 搜猪网翻译官)
